Bricolage Support

Commercial support

Application hosting & support

Get up and running quickly with shared Bricolage hosting

Our friends at Gossamer Threads offer no-nonsense, monthly Bricolage hosting on a shared server to get your project underway without any installation hassles.

Dedicated and managed Bricolage hosting

When your project is ready to go to the next level, Gossamer Threads also offer a range of dedicated and managed hosting solutions that are tailor-made for running Bricolage.

Gossamer Threads is the official host of, and many other Bricolage-powered sites.

Custom development & consulting

Bricolage consulting right from the horse's mouth

Founded by Bricolage maintainer and lead developer David Wheeler, Kineticode is the leading provider of Bricolage-related support services.

In your country, in your language

There's a non-exhaustive list of Bricolage development, support, and consulting services listed here.

Community support

As with many open-source products, Bricolage has an active community. This includes not only the developers, but also other experienced users who are willing to help troubleshoot problems and answer questions. Here are some of the best ways to get community support:

Bricolage Mailing lists

There are several mailing lists related to Bricolage. Undoubtedly, the best one to join initially is the Bricolage users mailing list.

Bricolage IRC channel

If you just have a quick question, you can usually find some Bricoleurs in channel #bricolage on

New to IRC and just have a quick question? use the Web-based IRC client.

Bricolage Wiki on Github

Required reading, how-to articles, frequently asked questions, and more: the Bricolage wiki on Github is your friend.

Other important Bricolage links

You should probably also have a look at the following resources:

Bricolage mailing lists

Our mailing lists are the best place to discuss Bricolage. There are several different lists to choose from. All lists are subscriber-only to prevent spam, but subscription is quick, easy, and free. You can also peruse and search the mailing list archives, or subscribe to a list via RSS, here.

Bricolage Users

Questions, installation problems, bug reports, job and site announcements, other general discussion. This is a good place to ask for basic help, but if you need extensive support, you may wish to consider a Commercial Support offering. Please subscribe before posting.

Bricolage Announcements

Official announcements from the Bricolage team. These are always CC’d to the Users list, so you need not subscribe to both. Very low traffic. Read-only except for core developers.

Bricolage Developers

In-depth discussions about new development directions, proposed features, implementation details. Please subscribe before posting.

Bricolage Commits

Subversion context diffs for all checkins to the Bricolage repository. Read-only.

Bricolage Bugs

Bricolage Bug tracking activity. This list is read-only. To report a bug in Bricolage, please use our Bug server.
