Bricolage 1.8.8 Released
The Bricolage development team is humbled to announce the release of Bricolage 1.8.8. This maintenance release addresses a couple of fatal flaws with media documents in Bricolage 1.8.7. Those changes are:
Fixed thumbnail URIs broken in 1.8.7. [David]
Fixed the "media expire" event. [David]
Media documents with more than one file version are no longer expired as soon as they're published. Reported by Wayne Slavin. [David]
Added upgrade script to adjust the file names of media files in the resource table in the database to be in sync with the new names on the file system introduced in 1.8.7. [David]
For the complete history of ongoing changes in Bricolage, see Bric::Changes.
Download Bricolage 1.8.8 now from the Bricolage Web site Downloads page, from the SourceForge download page, and from the Kineticode download page.
About Bricolage
Bricolage is a full-featured, enterprise-class content management and
publishing system. It offers a browser-based interface for ease-of use, a
full-fledged templating system with complete HTML::Mason, HTML::Template, and
Template Toolkit support for flexibility, and many other features. It operates
in an Apache/mod_perl environment and uses the PostgreSQL RDBMS for its
repository. A comprehensive, actively-developed open source CMS, Bricolage has
been hailed as quite possibly the most capable enterprise-class open-source
application available
by eWEEK.